
Don't Go Too Far (2021)

Released | 2021-03-04 | Drama-Crime | 77m | 6/10

Kim Ju-il (Lighting Director) | Koo Doo-hwan (Director of Photography) | Park Hyun-yong (Writer) | Kim Geun-a (Production Design) |

Ahead of their father’s death, four siblings gather at the oldest brother’s house. The will is announced in a notary’s presence and complaints burst forth. Suddenly a phone call comes in from a kidnapper claiming to have the oldest brother’s son.

Son Byung-ho () | Son Jin-hwan () | Park Myung-shin () | Ji Dae-han () | Yoon Eun-byul () | Choi Jae-Sup () | Lee Kyung-sung () |

| Trailer-Don't Go Too Far (2021) |

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