
Jasmine Women (2004)

Released | 2004-06-13 | Drama-Romance-Family | 130m | 7.615/10

Hou Yong (Director) | Zhang Zhenyan (Producer) | Tian Zhuangzhuang (Producer) | Cong Su (Original Music Composer) |

Zhang Ziyi plays the youngest of three generations of women who leads lives in Shanghai. Joan Chen plays the great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother. The film recounts this family, the mistakes they make, and a cycle that the granddaughter breaks out of.

Zhang Ziyi (Young Mo) | Joan Chen (Elder Mo) | Jiang Wen (Mr. Meng) | Liu Ye (Xia Du) | Lu Yi (Zou Jie) | Lin Dongfu () | Huang Daliang () | Ge Lili () |

| Trailer-Jasmine Women - Trailer |

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