
A Real Young Girl (1976)

Released | 1976-01-01 | Drama | 89m | 5.3/10

Patrick Daert (Director of Photography) | Pierre Fattori (Director of Photography) | André Génovès (Producer) | Annie Charrier (Editor) |

Bored and restless, Alice spends much of her time lusting after Jim, a local sawmill worker. When not lusting after him, Alice fills the hours with such pursuits as writing her name on a mirror with vaginal secretions and wandering the fields with her underwear around her ankles. And, in true teenaged tradition, she spends a lot of time writing in her diary.

Charlotte Alexandra (Alice Bonnard) | Hiram Keller (Jim) | Rita Maiden (Mme Bonnard) | Bruno Balp (M. Bonnard) | Shirley Stoler (Grocer) | Georges Guéret (Martial) |

| Trailer-A Real Young Girl 1975 |

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