
A Canterbury Tale (1944)

Released | 1944-08-21 | Drama-Comedy-Mystery-War | 124m | 6.9/10

Erwin Hillier (Director of Photography) | Parry Jones Jr. (Third Assistant Director) | Michael Powell (Producer) | Emeric Pressburger (Producer) |

Three modern day pilgrims investigate a bizarre crime in a small town on the way to Canterbury.

Eric Portman (Thomas Colpeper, JP) | Sheila Sim (Alison Smith) | Dennis Price (Peter Gibbs) | John Sweet (Bob Johnson) | Charles Hawtrey (Thomas Duckett) | Esmond Knight (Narrator / Seven-Sisters Soldier / Village Idiot) | Hay Petrie (Woodcock) | George Merritt (Ned Horton) | Edward Rigby (Jim Horton) |

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