
The Man Who Loved Women (1977)

Released | 1977-04-27 | Drama-Comedy-Romance | 119m | 7.176/10

Néstor Almendros (Director of Photography) | Suzanne Schiffman (Assistant Director) | Marcel Berbert (Producer) | François Truffaut (Producer) |

At Bertrand Morane's burial there are many of the women that the 40-year-old engineer loved. In flashback Bertrand's life and love affairs are told by himself while writing an autobiographical novel.

Charles Denner (Bertrand Morane) | Leslie Caron (Véra) | Nelly Borgeaud (Delphine Grezel) | Valérie Bonnier (Fabienne) | Sabine Glaser (Bernadette) | Brigitte Fossey (Geneviève Bigey) | Geneviève Fontanel (Hélène) | Anna Perrier (Babysitter) | Marie-Jeanne Montfajon (Christine Morane, mère de Bertrand) |

| Trailer-L'homme Qui aimait Les Femmes | The Man Who Loved Women (1977) Director: François Truffaut | Trailer-1977 The Man Who Loved Women Official Trailer 1 Les Films du Carrosse |

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